
Visualize Dream Imagine
Why does it seem so much harder to dream big as we get older? We let all the mind trash get in the way. Maybe we can identify a dream job, a dream car, or a dream vacation, but even that is limited to what we think is possible. If only we work harder, try...
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Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
Reflecting on the recent traumatic experience of Hurricane Irma, I remembered learning in school about Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Abraham Maslow proposed his theory of motivation in 1943. The theory simply states that humans have various needs that must be met before progression to the next level is possible. He defined five levels. From bottom...
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No, MASTR isn’t a typo – it’s an acronym.  I’m very big on acronyms because they help people retain and apply relevant information.  In many of my coaching sessions, time management, and specifically email management, inevitably comes up, especially when I have clients who receive hundreds of new emails daily and keep thousands of old...
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There was a time (long, long ago) when the decision to pursue a job or a career was a commitment for life.  The focus was to get a good position, work hard, save money, and retire; hopefully all within the same company.  Nowadays that is not the norm.  Today,  people typically change careers or jobs...
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Welcome back to Surpass Your Goal.  You didn’t go anywhere . . . I did!  You may have noticed that it’s been two years since I’ve sent out an article or update.  Why, you ask?  I returned to school to complete my doctorate in human .  I have just one class remaining, on addictions, that...
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Now Discover Your Strengths by Marcus Buckingham is a great tool to help you identify your strengths, providing access to an assessment which determines your top strengths or “talent themes.” Using this book and the assessment, I learned that one of my top strengths is as a strategic thinker (in addition to learner and responsibility...
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Did you ever see the 1996 movie Multiplicity with Michael Keaton?  Click here to watch video. I was in graduate school then, wishing I could clone myself the same way his character did.  There would be one version of me to do the vocational work, one to have fun and be rebellious, and one to handle...
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Do you remember Stuart from MAD TV? He was notorious for saying “Look what I can do!” Most of us have been taught Show Off! to be polite and not brag about ourselves. It’s a lesson we need to learn if we want to increase our likeability and connection with others. You know what I’m...
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I recently read Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, which was originally published in 1937.  It is fascinating that something written nearly a hundred years ago is still applicablrele today; it was that far ahead of its time.  The premise of the book is to detail the 13 steps to gaining riches. This is...
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The distinction between confident and conceited is sometimes difficult to articulate.  We seem to know on a gut level when someone is arrogant, often leading to an unpleasant taste in our mouth.  On the other hand, when someone is confident, we are naturally more drawn to them.  This also happens on a gut level. I...
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