
Private Professional Coaching
Private coaching is working one-on-one with a professional coach to help you clarify and surpass your biggest goals. The goals you set and the time we share is completely personalized. Because it’s a one-on-one session, we focus on your immediate needs. When life and business events come up, you can change direction. This differs from...
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Difference between business coaching and life coaching
Typically, the goals related to business coaching and life coaching differ. Within business coaching, the focus is typically on profitability, staff development, and operations. Whereas, life coaching is typically focused on a personal pursuit such as identifying your new career or field, managing challenging relationships, and personal growth through stress management and fulfillment. Even though...
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Work-Life Balance
Do you know what happens when you put yourself on the back burner? You burn! If you’re burned out from taking care of everyone and everything else, now is the time to invest in yourself. I was so used to accommodating everyone else’s needs that I totally lost myself. Then I tried to set boundaries...
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Change Management
“When you can’t change the direction of the wind – adjust your sails,” is a quote from inspirational writer, H. Jackson Brown, Jr. As a professional coach, I’ve used this quote with my clients many times. I often go on to explain it further, saying, “If a sailor knows a storm is coming from a...
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Life Coaching for Change Management
There have to be endings to create new beginnings. An old year ends and a new year begins, full of promises of change and new experiences. Mitch Albom, author of “The Five People You Meet in Heaven,” wrote: “All endings are also beginnings. We just don’t know it at the time.” Some of my clients...
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therapy or coaching
Therapy: This relies on awareness of past experiences to bring about healing in the present. It sometimes involves prescriptions when a mental illness is diagnosed. Coaching: A coach does not aim to treat or cure mental health issues. Coaching sheds light on unseen possibilities and strengths, linking awareness to action. In simple terms, therapy and...
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Coaches produce both tangible and intangible benefits. Hiring the right kind of coach for your goals and a coach who is a good fit with you or your company is essential. Depending on what you need to improve upon, you’ll want to look at either a personal (life) coach, a business coach, or possibly an...
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Being a professionial coach doesn't make me an extrovert.
Because I chose a career as a professional coach, I talk to people, often a lot of people at once. People often perceive me as an extrovert because of my job and frequent role as a public speaker. The assumption is that introverts don’t do well in social situations, especially being front and center of...
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coaching satisfaction levels vary
Are you wondering if current and former coaching clients are satisfied with their experience? Studies indicate significantly different satisfaction levels. What is the difference? The credentials of the coach. When working with a credentialed coach (yes, I am credentialed!), 92% of clients are satisfied, compared to 36% of those working with a non-credentialed coach. Before...
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Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
Reflecting on the recent traumatic experience of Hurricane Irma, I remembered learning in school about Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Abraham Maslow proposed his theory of motivation in 1943. The theory simply states that humans have various needs that must be met before progression to the next level is possible. He defined five levels. From bottom...
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