Corporate Wellness is an increasing area of focus for my clients and for business leaders across the United States. Large corporations rely on thousands of employees to complete their mission. Small business owners have a critical need to keep themselves and their teams at peak performance. Research has shown that employees experiencing high levels of stress lose up to 27 days of productive working time each year.
As the impact of employee well-being is better understood, employers are seeking to provide a holistic approach to keeping associates healthy. Workplace Wellness is acknowledged to encompass five main categories of wellness:
Stress or conflict in any of these categories can lead to diminished employee engagement, lower productivity, distracted or antagonistic attitudes, and higher rates of illness and absenteeism. In the past, these employee issues were resolved with disciplinary action up to and including termination.
While separation from the company is sometimes merited, it is time-consuming, conflict-driven, and a costly process. Position vacancies create a ripple effect of stress as remaining employees try to cope with increased work volumes until a new employee is brought onboard. Hiring and training replacement employees can be tedious and expensive. If the onboarding process is delayed, the interim vacancy can cause a domino effect as stressed employees seek relief by looking for jobs elsewhere, often with competitors.
CEOs and Senior HR leaders are increasingly seeing the wisdom and return-on-investment that comes with providing a corporate wellness platform that addresses not only work-related stress, but also personal challenges that can impact attendance, focus, motivation, and productivity. Protecting the overall wellness of employees also protects your investment in them. The cost of hiring, onboarding, and training employees only pays for itself when employees stay with the company long-term and are productive, engaged members of your workforce.
Rather than improvising wellness training or solutions to offer within the workplace, it is highly recommended that you consult a qualified Wellness Coach. My career includes over 15 years of expertise in providing results-based business coaching, life coaching, and customized training programs for corporate and entrepreneurial clients. My real-world experience is supported by a Master’s Degree in Psychology, a certification in Professional Coaching, and an in-progress Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology, Human Behavior.
This background has allowed me to develop unique presentations, coaching programs, and training modules that tackle and overcome barriers to personal and business success. My holistic approach introduces classes, activities, training modules, workshops, and coaching to intentionally build wellness within the workplace customized to your organization.
I work with my clients to understand the needs of your employee base and then provide customized solutions that address the most critical needs within your organization. The SYG Workplace Wellness Program includes 14 modules that can be provided individually, or as part of a complete holistic package to maximize the Social, Emotional, Career, Financial, and Physical wellbeing of the workforce. Topics include:
Our coaching systems are applicable across industries and have yielded great results for individuals to larger corporate teams – from start-ups to mature businesses. To explore wellness solutions for your organization, contact me to set up a confidential and easy-going conversation.