Learning Style Assessment (measures learning styles)


There are two ways you might benefit from our Learning Styles assessment:

  • First, you will learn how you best learn!
  • Second, if you manage/lead/train other people, you can learn how each individual best learns and adapt your teaching styles for each person to ensure they are getting full benefit from the experience!

All learners are not equal. They come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and cultures. Their past experience and current ways of learning might also be very different. Some people like to process information through text, while others need visual support and images. Some learners best assimilate information alone. Others prefer to work in groups. There are people who can grasp information quickly and intuitively, and there are people who prefer to follow a strong sequential path and take time to reflect. In the end, the only thing you can say for sure is this: every individual learns in his or her own particular way.

This assessment is designed to measure the learning style of an individual in most situations. This is done in four categories:

  • Attending
  • Translating
  • Relating
  • Understanding

The Learning Styles Profile is intended to help determine where people’s general preferences, or natural learning biases, might lie. Although this is far from an exact science, the simple view is that the more we can understand about how we perceive new information or new learning, the better and more successful our learning transfer will be.