
Random Acts of Kindness
Are you ready to go out in the world and do a random act of kindness? Maybe you’re not convinced.  Giving without a special occasion or particular reason feels foreign. You may worry about the reaction you’ll receive. Let’s explore some of these issues so you can move on from your comfort zone and try...
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You’ve probably been the recipient of a random act of kindness in your lifetime. Think back to an instance where someone had helped you out of a tough situation when they could see you were having difficulty or when a friend simply paid you a compliment out of the blue. A sweet surprise like this...
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Mentoring and Coaching
How do you positively impact a life? You start by making a positive impact on them. Whether you’re looking to mentor someone in their career, teach a friend a new skill, or look for another way to offer guidance to someone else, the outcome you desire is always the same. You want them to succeed....
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We tend to think of failing to achieve a goal as something shameful and undesirable. Understandably, failing can often cause negative feelings, no matter how big or small the goal.  The only way to overcome those feelings is by changing the way we understand failure.  Failure is a natural part of success and provides valuable...
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We’re all guilty of procrastination!  We do it more often than we’d like to admit. It may be more than not turning in your report or project until the last minute. It may also be about delaying important life decisions.  For instance,  whether or not you should ask your boss for that raise he promised...
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Stick with Resolution
About 40% of all Americans will set a New Year’s Resolution and vow to change one thing or another about their lifestyle. New Year’s resolutions usually fall under the following categories: Weight loss Finance Career Personal development Health and diet Fitness Stress management Focusing on personal relationships Fast forward six months later, 60% will have...
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Vision Boarding
Ready to get started on your vision board to create a new you? Before you do, it’s worth familiarizing yourself with some of the most common vision board mistakes. There are actually quite a lot of mistakes you can make when creating a vision board to transform your life. So, if you want to boost...
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Tips for Joy
As a child, we don’t have to focus on joy.  As we get older, however, joy might be fleeting and elusive.  We need to be reminded that we can choose our happiness, our mood, and our mindset. How do you call upon joy on demand? Joy and happiness are an intentional choice. There are so...
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Manage Holiday Stress
The holiday season is an opportunity to spend time with family and friends, to take some time off work, or even escape for a winter getaway. For all the joy and fun, though, so comes the stress. The expectations of social events, gift shopping, and entertaining guests can become too much for even the most...
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Change Management
An important aspect of self-development is to know when it’s time to change something about yourself. When you change, you often become more knowledgeable, skilled, and comfortable about a task or situation. However, any kind of change, even if it will make your life more enjoyable, can be difficult because it involves stepping out of...
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